Google is the most powerful digital advertising platform in the world. It is not only providing pay search service but also a wide range of tracking and display advertisement. 

Google Paid Search

Google pay search is an alternative to search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, but it is even more powerful than just running search engine optimization (SEO). The objective of pay search is to locate your url on the top of Google search results. In most of the cases, search engine optimization (SEO) strategy cannot get you too many keywords landing on the first page. Google pay search is also used in identifying what keywords you should be targeting on search engine optimization (SEO) in a short period of time. 

Should We Target The First Search Result Using Google Pay Search?

Our answer is no. Google offers four pay search result on all result pages. Most of the users looking for information on Google have a practice of opening the first few results in new tab, therefore the difference between the first four results is not that significant. Taking a balance between spending and effectiveness. We normally target the third and the fourth place. 

Google Display Ad

Generally speaking, display advertisements can be used with two strategies, acquiring new customers and remarketing.

Acquire New Customers

Google has been using big data analysis to identify each users behaviour and interest. Due to the privacy policy, there is no way we can get the raw data but we can use this behaviour and interest to do advertisement targeting. In general, using this strategy are more for branding. The conversion rate of this is normally lower than pay search and remarketing. We only recommend using display advertisement for acquiring new customers with a large marketing budget only. Otherwise, the result would not be significant. 


Remarketing/retargeting display advertisements are normally used with pay search and Google Analytics. Pay search is used to acquire new users and Google Analytic is a gate to filter potential customers by their action on your website. Once this audience group size reaches a certain level, we can use display advertisements to do remarketing/retargeting. We can therefore make sure all your display advertisement reach out to potential customers. 

Google My Business

If you are running an offline store, Google my business one of the best and free marketing strategy you can do. This advertisement is based on Google map location and required verification of your retail outlet. Once this is done and when users search your company name, Google will show a large box of your company information on the right of the search result page.

Google Dynamic Display Ads

Have you ever visit some hotels booking website and after you close down the tab, you still keep seeing what hotels you have browsed on other websites advertisement space. Those are dynamic remarketing. In Google dynamic remarketing required the use of Google merchant centre. You have to synchronize your website product data with Google merchant centre product list. By connecting Google merchant centre with Google ad, you can preform dynamic remarketing to your clients. 
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